6 Facts about transcatheter aortic valve replacement

6 Facts about transcatheter aortic valve replacement

When you experience shortness of breath, persistent fatigue, dizziness and palpitation; you may have aortic valve stenosis, which means that the opening of the valve that lies between the heart and aorta became narrower than usual. This will require extra pumping of the heart to push blood, and it could lead to serious complications which is life threatening. 

Advanced cases of aortic valve stenosis are mainly managed by replacement of the valve. This could be done either by traditional open surgery or through a catheter.  

  1. In general, replacement of the aortic valve by the catheter is highly recommended as it involves better therapeutic results and fewer complications. 
  2. According to doctors' recommendation, transcatheter aortic valve replacement is highly recommended for the patients with the following criteria: 
  3. Having severe symptoms of aortic valve stenosis (severe tight chest, dizziness, palpitation and fatigue). 
  4. Open heart surgery isn't suitable for the patient due to his bad general health condition. 
  5. The patient has other serious health problem, such as emphysema or personal history of stroke or open heart surgery. 
  6. During procedure, the patient will be awake; he will be given just sedative medications to be comfortable. 

This procedure includes insertion of a prosthetic valve by the catheter into the femoral artery. After that, the catheter will travel through major blood vessels to reach the heart and replace damaged valve with the new prosthetic valve. 

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